Sprenger Novocontact Loose Ring Snaffle Double Jointed

Sale Price £115.00
Was £159.00
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Designed for horses that occasionally pull against the bit but are too sensitive for stronger bits.


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NOVOCONTACT LOOSE RING SNAFFLE bits are uniquely shaped, the oval shape enlarges the contact surface on the tongue for a soft influence. As the rider gives a rein aid the mouthpiece turns forward and the contact surface gets narrower, ensuring more precise and effective communication.

Novocontact bits improve the interaction between horse and rider for a better contact and acceptance of the bit.

SENSOGAN is a patented bit material developed by SPRENGER. This material increases salivation and mouthing activity which positively influences the horses comfort and willingness to perform.

*For all SPRENGER bits that are marked with an arrow on the side of the mouthpiece: ensure the arrow is on the left hand side, pointing forwards.

Size | Thickness - 16mm | Ring Diameter - 70mm

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