Ever since reception, I’ve never been thought of as sporty. The PE teachers have always told my parents that I’m just not the type, yet I am out nearly every night doing the sport I love. So what really is a “sporty person”? Do they have to play on all the school teams? Do they have to go to the gym
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November 15, 2017
November 14, 2017
Taking some time out after a busy season, I find it really helpful to take a step back and evaluate everything. Setting goals and having a solid plan from early on in the year has been the key.
November 13, 2017[mgz_pagebuilder]{"elements":[{"row_type":"full_width_row","content_position":"top","gap_type":"padding","content_align":"center","device_type":"all","background_type":"image","background_style":"auto","background_position":"center-top","parallax_speed":0.5,"mouse_parallax_size":30,"mouse_parallax_speed":10000,"lg_background_type":"image","lg_background_style":"auto","lg_background_position":"center-top","md_background_type":"image","md_background_style":"auto","md_background_position":"center-top","sm_background_type":"image","sm_background_style":"auto","sm_background_position":"center-top","xs_background_type":"image","xs_background_style":"auto","xs_background_position":"center-top","type":"row","id":"pptjppy","elements":[{"device_type":"all","background_type":"image","background_style":"auto","background_position":"center-top","parallax_speed":0.5,"mouse_parallax_size":30,"mouse_parallax_speed":10000,"lg_background_type":"image","lg_background_style":"auto","lg_background_position":"center-top","md_background_type":"image","md_background_style":"auto","md_background_position":"center-top","sm_background_type":"image","sm_background_style":"auto","sm_background_position":"center-top","xs_background_type":"image","xs_background_style":"auto","xs_background_position":"center-top","md_size":"","xl_offset_size":"","xl_size":"","lg_offset_size":"","lg_size":"","md_offset_size":"","sm_offset_size":"","sm_size":"","xs_size":"","type":"column","id":"pxgyyk5","elements":[{"content":"\nRead more »
Now in the third month of our Caldene Rider Of The Month programme, we are continuing to celebrate achievements, support talent and pick someone up for the month. We thought it was time to get to know our latest rider Gayle King.
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October 31, 2017
Angus Corrie-Deane is 18, and a dressage rider with a bright future. A veteran of British pony teams and junior Nations Cup teams, his goals is to make the British Young Rider team in 2018. He recently won the small tour qualifier for his region - so off to nationals at Keysoe shortly.
This year
October 29, 2017
Ahh riding schools, the epicentre and root cause of our horsey obsession. The majority of us started our equestrian journey in one these places, turning up on a Saturday morning beaming from ear to ear and crossing our fingers in the hopes of riding our favourite pony. The anticipation of standing at
October 24, 2017
How exciting is it that it’s finally Autumn!? I LOVE this season; crispy leaves, hot chocolate (or PSL if you like), cosy jumpers and fluffy ponies. Perfection! Fireworks season is one of my favourite seasons, yet your horse may disagree. Fireworks can be scary for animals so it is important that we
October 23, 2017
The show jumping season is year round these days. I am away continuously competing, probably 47 weeks out of the year I’ll be away at a show. So you definitely need a home team helping with the horses. I have 10 horses which is a good number — I’d rather work with 10 really good ones
October 20, 2017
Controversy is always high in the equestrian world when it comes to artificial aids. Whether it be whips, nosebands, lunging systems, bitting… the list goes on! There's always someone who thinks they should be banned. Spurs are used in all disciplines of English and western riding (especially
October 20, 2017
This brand new innovative rug is scientifically designed to enhance your horse's performance. The rug’s technology will gently increase blood flow, detoxify and promote healing for your horse. This is ideal for use before work to prepare the muscles for exercise but also importantly after work as well
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